开通抖音招商团长需要什么资料?正确的开通流程! 2024技术攻略!(超好用)

2025-01-11 07:00 1次
抖音蓝V, 抖音认证,抖音报白,抖音小黄车
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In the era of social media, being present on popular platformslike Douyin (also known as TikTok) has become a necessity forbusinesses. As a merchant, you might be wondering about the processof joining Douyin and becoming a part of its vast network ofinfluencers and sellers. In this comprehensive guide, we, ShunweiNetwork Technology Company, will take you through the correctprocedure and provide you with essential information for opening aDouyin shop. By the end of this article, you will be equipped withall the knowledge you need to become a successful Douyin merchant,gain the coveted Douyin Blue V (verification badge), and learnabout different certifications, including "Douyinbao bai"(reporting on Douyin) and "Douyin small yellow car."

1. Douyin Shop Opening Process:

Opening a Douyin shop requires a systematic approach and thecorrect documents to ensure a smooth process. Here are thenecessary steps you must follow:

a) Prepare the Required Documents:

To initiate the registration process, you will need to gatherthe following essential documents:
  • Business License: A valid and up-to-date business license ismandatory.
  • Identification Documents: Your ID card, passport, or otherapproved identification documents.
  • Bank Account: Provide a valid bank account for financialtransactions.

b) Download and Install Douyin:

Before proceeding further, download and install the Douyin appfrom your device's app store. Once installed, sign up with yourmobile number or preferred social media account.

c) Create an Official Account:

After successful registration, create an official account foryour business. Choose an appealing username related to your brandor products, as it will be visible to your followers.

d) Complete the Account Verification:

To gain the trust of your potential customers and stand outfrom the competition, it is crucial to obtain the Douyin Blue Vverification badge (also known as the verification mark). Thisbadge represents your authenticity and enhances your credibility.To achieve this, fulfill the following requirements:
  • Consistent High-Quality Content: Regularly post original,engaging, and high-quality content.
  • Follow Douyin Regulations: Adhere to Douyin's communityguidelines and policies to maintain a positive reputation.
  • Increase Fan Interaction: Encourage fan engagement, such aslikes, shares, and comments.
  • Grow Your Follower Base: Attract a significant number offollowers by creating valuable and unique content.

2. Douyin Certifications:

In addition to the Blue V verification badge, Douyin offersother certifications that can further boost your brand's reputationand visibility. Let's explore these certifications:

a) Douyinbao bai:

Douyinbao bai is a verification certificate given to merchantswho report their authentic product information to Douyin. Thiscertification helps customers identify genuine products andprovides a sense of security in their purchase.

b) Douyin Small Yellow Car:

The "Douyin Small Yellow Car" certification is for merchantswho provide efficient and timely delivery services. By achievingthis certification, businesses assure their customers that theirorders will be delivered promptly and safely.

3. Essential Tips and Tricks:

To excel in the world of Douyin selling and become asuccessful Douyin entrepreneur, consider these additionaltips:
  • Research Your Target Audience: Understanding your potentialcustomers' preferences and interests will help you create tailoredcontent and marketing strategies.
  • Use Creative Editing Techniques: Experiment with various videoediting tools and effects to make your content visually appealingand captivating.
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with popular Douyininfluencers to expand your reach and gain more followers.
  • Promote Your Douyin Account: Utilize your existing social mediaplatforms and websites to drive traffic to your Douyinaccount.

Now that you have a comprehensive understanding of the Douyinshop opening process, necessary documents, and variouscertifications, you are well-prepared to embark on your Douyinselling journey! By following these steps and implementing theprovided tips and tricks, you are bound to thrive as a Douyinmerchant. Don't forget to aim for the coveted Douyin Blue Vverification badge and explore other certifications like Douyinbaobai and Douyin Small Yellow Car, which will propel your brand'svisibility and drive conversions. Join the Douyin revolution todayand revolutionize your business!


  1. 1. 破坏信任关系:不报白会导致他人对你的言行产生怀疑,失去信任是人际关系中无法忽视的问题。
  2. 2. 伤害他人感情:不报白可能会让他人误解你的意图或担心你的动机,从而对他们的情感造成伤害。
  3. 3. 影响自身形象:不报白会让他人对你产生负面印象,影响你的个人形象和声誉。
  4. 4. 难以解决问题:不报白会导致信息不完整,使得问题无法得到有效解决,加大了难题的复杂度。
  5. 5. 阻碍个人成长:不报白意味着缺乏勇气面对自己的错误和问题,这将阻碍你的个人成长和进步。


  1. 问:不报白会给人际关系带来什么危害?
  2. 答:不报白会破坏信任关系,伤害他人感情,影响自身形象等。
  3. 问:不报白为什么会伤害他人感情?
  4. 答:不报白可能会让他人误解你的意图或担心你的动机,从而对他们的情感造成伤害。
  5. 问:不报白会对个人成长有什么阻碍?
  6. 答:不报白意味着缺乏勇气面对自己的错误和问题,这将阻碍个人成长和进步。
  7. 问:不报白会怎样影响问题的解决?
  8. 答:不报白会导致信息不完整,使得问题无法得到有效解决,阻碍解决问题的进程。
  9. 问:不报白会给个人形象带来什么影响?
  10. 答:不报白会让他人对你产生负面印象,影响个人形象和声誉。


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