挖掘机验货流程 第三方验货 出差验货 商品检验 质量检查 出货前检查
更新:2025-01-16 07:00 编号:34623530 发布IP: 浏览:5次- 发布企业
- 浙江华检商品检验有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第1年主体名称:浙江华检商品检验有限公司组织机构代码:91330201MABPW9DR23
- 报价
- 人民币¥800.00元每次
- 验货公司
- 第三方验货服务
- 验货服务
- 出货前检验
- 越南验货公司
- 越南验货服务
- 关键词
- 验货服务,出货前检验,产品检验,质检公司,产品检验服务
- 所在地
- 浙江省宁波保税区兴业大道2号A812 (室甬保商务秘书公司托管C440号)
- 联系电话
- 15355555762
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- 15355555762
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1. 外观检查
2. 液压系统检查
液压管路: 检查液压管路是否有漏油现象,管道是否老化或损坏。特别是高压管路和接头部分。
液压泵和马达: 确保液压泵、马达工作正常,转动时无异常噪音或振动。
3. 发动机检查
排放检查: 检查排气系统,确保排放符合标准,无过多黑烟或异味。
4. 操作系统与控制检查
5. 底盘和履带检查
底盘清洁度: 确保底盘清洁,无泥土、油污等杂物堆积,尤其是履带和转向系统附近。
6. 挖掘臂和铲斗检查
7. 电气系统检查
电池检查: 检查电池电压和接线是否牢固,电池无腐蚀,确保电力系统正常。
8. 转向和制动系统检查
9. 测试操作
10. 检查操作手册和维修记录
操作手册: 确保设备配备完整的操作手册,并且手册中列明了设备的维护周期、保养建议等。
Inspecting an excavator involves a thoroughcheck of its mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical systems, as wellas its overall structural integrity and operational functions.Whether you're buying a new or used excavator, here’s acomprehensive guide on how to inspect it:
1. Visual Inspection (Exterior Check)
Overall Condition: Inspect the excavator'sexterior for any obvious signs of damage,including dents, cracks, rust, or worn-out parts. Check for any leaks or stains, particularly around the enginecompartment and undercarriage.
Chassis and Frame: Look for any structuraldamage or bent parts in the frame, particularlyaround the boom, arm, and bucket areas. Ensure there are no cracks or bends that could compromise the structuralintegrity.
Undercarriage (Tracks orWheels):
Tracks: For tracked excavators, inspect thetrack shoes for wear, cracks, and damage.Check if the tracks are evenly worn and whether they are properly tensioned. Look for loose or missing trackbolts.
Rollers and Idlers: Check the rollers andidlers for excessive wear or leakage from theseals.
Final Drive and Gearbox:Check for any leakage or damage in the finaldrive gear system.
Wheels (for wheeled excavators): Inspect the tires for even wear, cracks, and punctures.
2. Engine and Powertrain Inspection
Engine Condition:
Visual Check: Look for leaks, oil stains, ordamage around the engine block. Check theengine oil level and quality; it should be clean and at the correct level.
Start the Engine: Start the engine and listenfor unusual noises. A healthy engine shouldstart smoothly and run quietly. Excessive smoke (especially black or blue) could indicate internal problems.
Exhaust and Emissions:Check the exhaust for excessive smoke. Blacksmoke may indicate improper combustion, while blue smoke could suggest engine oil burning.
Cooling System: Check the coolant level andinspect the radiator for any signs of damage orleaks. Ensure that the cooling fan is functioning properly.
Fuel System: Inspect the fuel lines and filterfor any leaks or blockages. Fuel should beclean and free of contaminants.
Hydraulic System: Look for leaks or cracks inthe hydraulic hoses, lines, and cylinders.Hydraulic fluid should be at the correct level.
3. Hydraulic System and Components
Hydraulic Oil Level: Ensure the hydraulic oilis at the recommended level and free fromcontamination (look for clarity and check for metal shavings orother particles).
Hydraulic Cylinders: Check all hydrauliccylinders (on the arm, boom, and bucket) forleaks, dents, or damage. Ensure that seals are intact and there isno excessive play in the joints.
Hydraulic Pump: Inspect the hydraulic pump forany unusual noises or leaks. The pump shouldrun smoothly without significant vibration or noise.
Hydraulic Filters: Inspect hydraulic filtersand change them if necessary. Clogged filterscan cause hydraulic system failure.
4. Boom, Arm, and Bucket Inspection
Boom and Arm: Check the condition of the boomand arm for any signs of wear, cracks, ordamage. Look for excessive play or movement in the joints, which could indicate worn-out bushings or pins.
Bucket: Inspect the bucket for excessive wear,cracks, and deformations, especially on thecutting edges. Check the teeth for wear, andensure they are securely attached. Look for signs of damage to the bucket's back or side walls.
Pins and Bushings: Check the pins and bushingsfor wear or play. Worn-out pins can cause themachine to lose stability and precision.
Quick Coupler: If the excavator has a quickcoupler system, ensure it operates smoothly andlocks securely.
5. Cabin and Operator Controls
Cabin Interior: Inspect the cabin forcleanliness, visibility, and safety. Check thatwindows and mirrors are intact and free of cracks or damage.
Seat and Controls: Ensure the operator seat isadjustable, comfortable, and in good condition.Test all operator controls (joysticks, pedals, levers) for smooth operation and responsiveness. They should movefreely without resistance or sticking.
Dashboard and Instruments:Check all gauges (engine temperature, fuellevel, hydraulic pressure) and warning lights to ensure they function correctly. The dashboard should displayaccurate readings.
Air Conditioning/Heating:If the cabin has air conditioning or heating,ensure it works properly and provides a comfortable environment for the operator.
6. Electrical and Lighting System
Battery: Check the battery terminals forcorrosion or loose connections. Ensure that thebattery is securely mounted and fully charged.
Wiring: Inspect electrical wiring for damage,fraying, or wear, especially aroundhigh-traffic areas where wires can be pinched or exposed to elements.
Lights and Signals: Test all lights(headlights, brake lights, work lights, turn signals) to ensure they are functioning properly.
7. Operational Test
Test Movement: While the excavator is inoperation, test all movements, including theboom, arm, bucket, swing, and tracks (or wheels). The machine should move smoothly without any jerky or delayedresponses.
Hydraulic Performance: Test the hydraulicfunctions, including lifting, digging, and lowering, to make sure the hydraulics are responsive andperform as expected.
Noise Levels: Pay attention to any unusualnoise while the machine is in operation.Excessive noise could indicate issues with the engine, hydraulics, or moving parts.
Check for Leaks: While the excavator isrunning, check for any visible hydraulic, fuel,or coolant leaks, as well as any abnormal vibrations.
8. Brakes and Steering
Braking System: Test the excavator’s brakingsystem by activating it and ensuring themachine stops immediately and smoothly. Listen for any unusual sounds like grinding or squeaking.
Steering: Check the steering controls forresponsiveness. Test turning the excavator bothin forward and reverse to ensure it moves smoothly and without hesitation.
9. Service and Maintenance Records (for usedmachines)
Service History: If purchasing a usedexcavator, request detailed service and maintenance records. Verify that routine maintenance has beenperformed and that major components have beenserviced or replaced when needed.
Inspection Reports: Ask for any past inspectionreports or certificates of the excavator toensure it meets all necessary safety standards and has passed prior checks.
10. Final Check: Documentation andCertifications
Serial Numbers: Verify that the serial numberon the excavator matches the documentation.This ensures the machine is legitimate and not stolen or subject to any disputes.
Compliance and Certifications: Make sure theexcavator complies with local safety and environmental regulations, including emission standards andoperator safety certifications.
Inspecting an excavator involves checking the condition of itskey systems (engine, hydraulics, electrical, etc.), ensuring smoothfunctionality of the moving parts, and confirming that the machinemeets safety and operational standards. This checklist is essentialto avoid costly repairs down the line and to ensure the excavatorwill perform reliably on the job site.
1. Visual Inspection (Exterior Check)
Overall Condition
Chassis and Frame
Undercarriage (Tracks or Wheels):
Rollers and Idlers
Final Drive and Gearbox
Wheels (for wheeled excavators)
2. Engine and Powertrain Inspection
Engine Condition:
Visual Check
Start the Engine
Exhaust and Emissions
Cooling System
Fuel System
Hydraulic System
3. Hydraulic System and Components
Hydraulic Oil Level
Hydraulic Cylinders
Hydraulic Pump
Hydraulic Filters
4. Boom, Arm, and Bucket Inspection
Boom and Arm
Pins and Bushings
Quick Coupler
5. Cabin and Operator Controls
Cabin Interior
Seat and Controls
Dashboard and Instruments
Air Conditioning/Heating
6. Electrical and Lighting System
Lights and Signals
7. Operational Test
Test Movement
Hydraulic Performance
Noise Levels
Check for Leaks
8. Brakes and Steering
Braking System
Service History
Inspection Reports
10. Final Check: Documentation andCertifications
Serial Numbers
Compliance and Certifications
- 我们的产品目录
- 验货服务
成立日期 | 2022年06月01日 | ||
法定代表人 | 李湛 | ||
注册资本 | 1000万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 验货公司,第三方验货公司,专业验货公司,质检公司,第三方质检公司,检品公司,第三方检品公司,验货服务,质检服务,检品服务。货柜监装,工厂评估 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:进出口商品检验鉴定;信息咨询服务(不含许可类信息咨询服务);社会经济咨询服务;企业管理;企业管理咨询;体育赛事策划;环保咨询服务;日用百货销售;技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;非融资担保服务;资源循环利用服务技术咨询;发电技术服务;供应链管理服务;企业形象策划;市场营销策划;咨询策划服务;礼仪服务;项目策划与公关服务;财务咨询;科技中介服务;平面设计(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动)。 | ||
公司简介 | 浙江华检商品检验有限公司(简称HQC)是世界500强企业认可的第三方验货检测机构。公司主要为亚太地区及世界其他地区的客户提供供应商资质评估(验厂),货物验收(验货服务),货柜监装,产品测试,工厂管理咨询等服务。HQC尤其精通于服装、鞋类、面料、内衣、箱包、头饰、毛绒制品、家用纺织品、皮革制品等非耐用品以及耐用消费品包括:电气电子产品、家具、家居用品、印刷包装、娱乐玩具、时尚配饰、礼品、工业建筑、体 ... |
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