更新:2019-06-26 09:39 编号:5752211 发布IP: 浏览:130次- 发布企业
- 慈溪市骏凯磁业有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第7年主体名称:慈溪市骏凯磁业有限公司
- 报价
- 人民币¥6000.00元每
- 关键词
- 抽屉除铁器,不锈钢除铁器,食品级除铁器,气动除铁器,卫生级除铁器
- 所在地
- 浙江慈溪龙山镇西门外村龙瑞路
- 联系电话
- 0574-55848832
- 手机
- 15705844183
- 经理
- 徐月志 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
抽屉除铁器 MagneticDrawer
DrawerMagnets are ideal for removal of fine iron and paramagneticcontamination from a range of dry free flowing products such assugar, grain, tea, etc. They are totally constructed of 304stainless steel, consisted of a row or most commonly rows of roundmagnetic tubes that are assembled into drawers.
The magnetic barsemit high magnetic field across the gaps between them . As materialflows into the top of the housing, it is forced to ascade in azig-zag pattern from row to row over the magnetic tube,this ensuresmaximum tramp metal capture capability since the product comes indirectly and repeat contact with a magnet as it travels through thehousing.
Housings areavailable for both square chutes and round pipelines and areflanged to suit each customers requirement for ease ofinstallation
- 旋转除铁器,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器8,000.00元/
- 流体除铁器,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器5,000.00元/
- 刮板除铁器,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器10,000.00元/
- 永磁筒,不锈钢除铁器,卫生级除铁器4,000.00元/
- 磁力架,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器800.00元/
- 磁板,卫生级除铁器,食品级除铁器2,000.00元/