更新:2019-06-26 09:39 编号:5752238 发布IP: 浏览:93次- 发布企业
- 慈溪市骏凯磁业有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第7年主体名称:慈溪市骏凯磁业有限公司
- 报价
- 人民币¥2000.00元每
- 关键词
- 磁板,不锈钢除铁器,食品级除铁器,气动除铁器,卫生级除铁器
- 所在地
- 浙江慈溪龙山镇西门外村龙瑞路
- 联系电话
- 0574-55848832
- 手机
- 15705844183
- 经理
- 徐月志 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
磁板Plate Magnet
主要特性General Description
磁板能够在传输过程中高效的去除块状、颗粒状、粉末状物料中的铁杂质,例如铁钉,螺母,铁丝等,广泛的应用在谷物加工,食品加工,制糖,矿石分选,塑料净化等场合。我们的磁板磁力强,当物料流过时可以有效吸牢大小铁杂质; 并且安装清洗方便,不影响生产线运转 磁板的长、宽、高尺寸及磁力的大小可以根据客户生产线实际需要定做,表面一般使用304或316不锈钢,不会对物料造成污染客户可根据不同使用环节,在标准磁板的设计上增加相应的连接部件,如铰链,拉环,螺纹孔或直孔。
Plate magnetsare widely used for removing Tramp Iron such as Bolts, Nuts, Bitsof Wire, Nails and other casualcontamination from free flowing materials, like corn, sugar, flour,gravel, plastic and other granular materials. As the material passover or under the magnet plate, tramp metal is pulled to themagnet's working surface and held in place untilremoved.
Plate magnet can be designed in awide of models, configurations and sizes to meet with specificoperations and plant conditions. They are usually carried in angledchutes, ducts, spouts or suspended above conveyors, screens andfeed trays to protect against occasional damage to the plant causedby bits.
- 磁力架,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器800.00元/
- 永磁筒,不锈钢除铁器,卫生级除铁器4,000.00元/
- 刮板除铁器,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器10,000.00元/
- 流体除铁器,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器5,000.00元/
- 抽屉除铁器,不锈钢除铁器,气动除铁器6,000.00元/